Video: Ice cold technique

What companies can learn from athletes.

30.07.2019 | 文章

Ice hockey is defined by fast play, brilliant shots and physical contact, all of which place extreme demands on every player on the ice. But the team that wins will bethe one that is intelligently positioned and best adapts to the ever-changing game situation. Flexible thinking and action are therefore key to the game plans of the sport’s tacticians. And those who master them are the ones who put the puck in the net. In its survey on “Intelligent Responsiveness,” Porsche Consulting examined the question of whether industrial firms react quickly, flexibly and reliably enough to the demands of their customers. Responsiveness is increasingly a competitive advantage and distinguishing feature for companies. The survey shows that two-thirds of surveyed companies have no clear strategy to enhance responsiveness. However, more than 50% of companies do see it as a potential generator of additional sales and more than 70% hope to achieve greater customer satisfaction through it.



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