Tackling the Transformation with a Burst of Speed
Photonics specialist Jenoptik in Jena, Thuringia, repositioned itself with a clever strategy with an assist from Porsche Consulting.

Sharpening the Focus
As a specialist in state-of-the-art optical technology, Jenoptik AG enjoys global renown. Camera lenses from Jena that can withstand minus 135 degrees Celsius are even in use on Mars. And without the high-end optics from Thuringia, much of global semiconductor production is hardly conceivable. But the broadly based industrial group wants to redefine itself as a more focused technology company and become leaner, more efficient, more innovative. “We want to focus even more on what we are really needed for,” says Jenoptik’s CEO Dr. Stefan Traeger. A transformation task tailor-made for Porsche Consulting.
Camera lenses designed by engineers at the Jenoptik technology group for a NASA Mars exploration vehicle can withstand minus 135 °C.
Consultants Bring the Outside View
Porsche Consulting assisted the comprehensive change process on many levels: The consultants helped eliminate duplicated structures in administration and optimize governance. They provided support in the reorganization of a research and development unit and explained how the administration would work more efficiently through digitization. Porsche Consulting provided Jenoptik with the “outside view” that CEO Dr. Stephan Traeger wanted for the realignment.

Entering the Era of Light
Since Stefan Traeger became CEO in 2017, Jenoptik has changed a lot – culturally, organizationally, and in its strategic direction. Under its slogan “More Light,” the group has entered a new era – the era of light. The company is rapidly transforming itself into a pure photonics specialist. Closely involved: the experts from Porsche Consulting. The CEO says this: “The Porsche Consulting team understood the people at Jenoptik and got them on board. And that’s how the collaboration led to a shared success.”