A Strategic View on Pharma Operations

Eight Practices to Achieve Leading-Edge Pharma Operations
Dr. Roman Hipp | Dr. Till Giese | Oliver Kienzler
Oct 2018 | Strategy Paper | Anglais

A Strategic View on Pharma Operations

Eight Practices to Achieve Leading-Edge Pharma Operations

The pharma industry is currently undergoing a major transformation. Digitalization leads to substantial changes of companies and products at an ever-faster pace. New competitors originating from the tech industry as well as intensified cost pressure characterize the market nowadays. Top managers, strategists and digitalization managers, especially within the global pharma corporations, are preparing for the transformation. 

Operations related functions such as production, maintenance, supply chain management and quality are becoming essential to fulfill the increasingly sophisticated customer and patient needs. This requires not only highly effective structures and processes but also innovative leadership approaches. The Porsche Consulting strategy paper “A strategic view on pharma operations” shows the way to go.


top listed pharma companies worldwide were evaluated.


was the decrease of gross margin of leading pharma companies since 2013.


practices to achieve leading-edge Pharma operations.

Management Summary
  • A rising demand for healthcare pressures institutions to drive down prices and increase productivity
  • As tech giants enter the healthcare market, pharma companies must prepare by becoming more scalable and ready for efficient integrations and spin-offs
  • The ongoing shift from conventional drugs to biopharma pushes pharma companies to streamline their R&D process and transform their supply chain management, including production
  • As the contribution of emerging markets to the pharma growth will become more relevant, pharma companies need to think about centralization and decentralization in order to keep up with the change of global footprint
  • As patient orientation is increasing and health transaction costs are decreasing, pharmaceutical companies need to adjust their business model to focus on additional value creation for the patient

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