Reshaping aviation to build new competitiveness

How airlines and airports can master business transformation and safeguard future viability
Reshaping aviation
Joachim Kirsch | Marc Landgraf | Manuel Stiegler | Torben Sens
Nov 2020 | White Paper | Anglais

Reshaping aviation to build new competitiveness

How airlines and airports can master business transformation and safeguard future viability

The significant decline in passenger numbers and changes in travel behavior in the wake of the pandemic are forcing the aviation industry to undergo radical restructuring. It is necessary for organizations to increase their flexibility in order to be able to meet fluctuations in demand more efficiently and at the same time reduce costs to ensure sustainable competitiveness.

A survey of over 2500 travelers shows which customer expectations will become more relevant in the future and what airlines and airports should consider when addressing customers. The white paper from Porsche discusses the strategic, operational and organizational challenges currently facing the aviation industry, and provides specific recommendations for action: Resource allocation, operational resilience and customer focus can help contribute to the overall goal of emerging from the crisis stronger.

US$ 260

billion loss have airlines and airports together generated from January through July 2020.


personnel expenses account of total revenues for the top three European airline groups.

5 fields

of action tackle right-sizing of the aviation industry most effectively and efficiently.

Management Summary
  • RIGHT-SIZING TO ELIMINATE INEFFICIENCIES: Adjust dimensioning of workforce when designing new organizational structures or adapt capacity deployment to minimize waste of resources
  • RESILIENCE TO ENHANCE AGILITY AND ROBUSTNESS: Deploy breathing capacity with a flexible workforce as a buffer against external stress and shocks to maximize operational resilience and ensure business continuity
  • REALIGNMENT TO FOCUS ON KEY BUSINESS: Leverage strategic core competencies in infrastructure and mobility management and focus on value-adding activities to reshape the future passenger journey in the aviation ecosystem along market trends
  • SERVICE INNOVATION TO TAP NEW REVENUE STREAMS: Drive innovative service models and nurture a customer-centric organization offering digital solutions together with system partners to build new competitiveness and cultivate a future-oriented skill set
  • SOCIOECONOMIC APPROACH TO GAIN SOCIETAL ACCEPTANCE: Incorporate social responsibility for employees and environment into entrepreneurial leadership to preserve a positive brand image and fundamental corporate values

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