Fit for Automotive

Get your start-up ready for the automotive industry
Oliver W. Bibo | Benjamin Bulander | Paul Nuscheler | Jan Wasserbäch
Jul 2020 | White Paper | Anglais

Fit for Automotive

Get your start-up ready for the automotive industry

The automotive industry is currently in the midst of its most severe period of disruption. The industry faces major challenges in the development of innovative solutions in the areas of digitization, connectivity, and electrification. One way of bridging this gap is by forming collaborations with innovators. Established automotive players are looking towards start-ups and tech players to satisfy these increasing demands on technology and innovation. However, startups, tech players, OEMs, and investors face numerous integration challenges from the complex automotive ecosystem and regulatory requirements. The Porsche Consulting “Fit for Automotive” approach addresses these challenges and outlines the necessary steps for becoming a high-performing player in the automotive industry.


Start-ups in automotive business are increasingly becoming the focus of OEMs and investors.


Start-ups must aim for automotive readiness while maintaining their agility and innovativeness.


OEMs must expand their value chain with new, innovative players for sustainable sucess.

Management Summary
  • To close the innovation gap, OEMs must partner with start-ups and new technological players must enter the automotive field
  • Three stakeholders can benefit from the success of start-ups in the automotive business: the start-ups themselves, the OEMs, and investors
  • Start-ups must understand automotive requirements to industrialize their ideas, products, and services
  • OEMs and investors need to understand visionary start-ups with their agile organizational structures and innovative development processes
  • The appeal of a new player for OEMs and investors is determined by the interaction between its strategy, business model/plan, organization, and excellent processes

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