The Economics of Vertical Mobility

A guide for investors, players, and lawmakers to succeed in urban air mobility
Gregor Grandl | John Salib | Joachim Kirsch
Jul 2021 | Study | Anglais

The Economics of Vertical Mobility

A guide for investors, players, and lawmakers to succeed in urban air mobility 

Vertical mobility has the potential to become an attractive mode of transportation over the course of the next 15 years, appealing to large parts of the public as today’s taxis on the ground do. Yet air taxis are also confronted with traffic woes since their development is fraught with significant risk as well as technical and economic hurdles. 

A new Porsche Consulting study gives profound insights into the field of Vertical Mobility and a guidance for investors, players, and lawmakers to succeed.

$2 bn

in 2035 is the market potential for intracity air taxi infrastructure .

$20-25 bn

minimum investment is needed to make vertical mobility relevant.

$60-65 bn

can reach the revenue potential for hardware, service, and infrastructure between 2025-35. 

Management Summary
  • Vertical mobility is a new method of transportation that comes with its own risks and rewards for companies, consumers, and communities
  • In order to gain social acceptance, a global network of more than 15,000 eVTOLS in more than 30 cities will be needed to offer an attractive and payable service
  • A minimum investment of totaling $20-25 billion is needed to make vertical mobility relevant
  • Players need to cooperate during the pioneering phase to create and fill the ecosystem with life

Read the whole study now


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