Creating Growth in Consumer Goods

Five operating practices of successful fast-moving consumer goods companies
Consumer Goods
Michael Tribus | Adrian Schöning | Titus Loss | Mark Dreher | Konstantin Deichsel
Nov 2019 | White Paper | Anglais

Creating Growth in Consumer Goods

Five operating practices of successful fast-moving consumer goods companies

The consumer goods industry is undergoing a fundamental transformation. Developed markets are widely saturated. Consumer behavior is changing faster; a result of increasing connectivity, progressive globalization and individualization. The 50 largest fast-moving-consumer goods (FMCG) manufacturers have been facing either constant or declining sales figures in recent years. Traditional growth strategies have lost traction and yet some FMCG champions have manage to increase their profit margins. 

This white paper shows five key practices that successful FMCG companies employ to generate growth; they help executives design, review and revise their operations strategy.


top FMCG players have experienced stalling or shrinking sales.

6 megatrends

alter consumer preferences and consumption habits on a global scale.

5 practices

are key for successful fast-moving consumer goods companies.

Management Summary
  • Staying on top of the FMCG operations game calls for numerous, manifold, and complex changes. Implementing the five practices demands resources and specialized expertise, both of which are scarce in many companies. But this should not deter any responsible decision-maker.
  • Acting now to stay ahead of the competition not only ensures readiness for the future. Implementing these five practices early on also provides a competitive advantage over those who adopt them later.
  • This offsets initial one-time implementation expenses—often many times over. Furthermore, external specialists are available to support the transformation end to end if internal means prove insufficient. In the end, the question is not whether adaptation is necessary, but who will adapt first.

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