A World of Cars in One Subscription

The automotive industry is reinventing itself.

21.12.2022 | Porsche Consulting – The Magazine

As a result of social issues such as sustainability and climate protection, as well as the development towards what is known as the sharing economy the number of people who have changed their demands regarding automobility has grown rapidly in recent years. And demand is transforming what is being offered. One of the new products is the car subscription.

But how do companies benefit from this business model? The majority of subscription providers are more concerned with medium- and long-term goals in this new market. Many providers are currently investing in these new business models in order to find out how great the potential is. A 2020 study by the market research institute Puls reveals that the greatest appeal is for 30- to 50-year-olds; nearly 40 percent of respondents in this age group find car subscription offers “very interesting.” The car subscription is also suitable as a test market for electromobility products, as some interested parties use it to find out whether an electric vehicle would make sense for them in day-to-day life.

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