Shaping the Future of Granarolo

Innovative and sustainable solutions in the 2027 commercial and industrial plan for the leading Italian food industry player

Black and white dairy cows feeding in a line at an indoor facility with a Granarolo milk tanker truck parked outside on a bright, sunny day


The project at a glance


Sustainability has become a decisive success factor in the food industry. The dairy company Granarolo wants to take a leading position in Italy


Turning strategic visions into a concrete business plan for tomorrow, with a keen eye on concept, financials, employment, and capex allocation


A robust financial model, strategic deployment, and clear organizational design, culminating in defined returns


Innovating for a Sustainable Future

Granarolo, a leading food company in Italy, is embarking on a transformative journey, aiming to combine economic advancement with environmental sustainability. With a €300 million investment by 2027, the producer and seller of dairy products wants to significantly reduce its ecological footprint and strengthen its market positioning. This ambitious plan involves strategic green technology investments and astute financial management. Granarolo's approach demonstrates a forward-thinking model where business success is inherently linked with environmental care, going beyond the standards of the industry.

"Together with Porsche Consulting, we were able to de-ploy our strategy in a consistent industrial plan, setting an important course for shaping the future of our company."
Filippo Marchi
Picture of Filippo Marchi Granarolo


A Strategic and Pragmatic Plan

Granarolo is following the vision of the factory of the future by channeling investments into Industry 4.0. In collaboration with Porsche Consulting, they developed a strategic plan that involves about 600 agricultural firms within the supply chain. This plan includes various projects such as the technological upgrade of 14 factories and the establishment of an innovation center. Each initiative, backed by a financial model offering promising returns, moves Granarolo closer to a future-proof organizational framework, emphasizing the essential role of supply chain partners.


productivity increase from plan implementation


Renewed, Efficient, and Green

Granarolo has refined its organizational framework, laying a robust groundwork for future challenges with projects that boast well-defined objectives and transparent responsibilities. This strategic evolution not only positions Granarolo's status as a pioneer in sustainability within the industry but also establishes a benchmark for operational excellence. The result of this plan is projected to boost productivity by over 20%, demonstrating that efficiency and sustainability can drive superior performance.

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Dr. Josef Nierling, Managing Director Porsche Consulting S.r.l. Italy
Dr. Josef Nierling
Managing Director Porsche Consulting Italy