Matthias Tewes

Industry Lead Financial Services

Moosacher Straße 84

80809 Munich


Dr. Matthias Tewes is a Senior Partner and Industry Director for the Financial Services sector at Porsche Consulting. As an expert on transformation in the financial services industry, he supports banks, insurance companies and mobility financial services companies with their comprehensive transformation projects. He specializes in strategy development and implementation on the corporate level as well projects to improve sales performance. 

A trained economist, Matthias Tewes has conducted research and attained his doctorate in the field of customer lifetime value. Before joining Porsche Consulting, Dr. Tewes worked for one of the world’s leading management consultancies and as a research associate at the European Business School in Oestrich-Winkel. 


Trends and Solutions

Une nouvelle école construite en 12 semaines

Kleusberg, une entreprise allemande construit des bâtiments entiers à partir d'éléments modulaires en un temps record

Thomas Schmall: "Les matières premières, un facteur stratégique de différenciation et de compétitivité"

Entretien avec le membre du comité exécutif du Groupe Volkswagen en charge de la technologie

Transformer les entreprises industrielles

Le leadership: un élément déterminant





Porsche Consulting – The Magazine