Smart Factory in a Can
23 fabbriche, tre regioni, un unico obiettivo: una trasformazione di successo nello "stabilimento del futuro". Le lattine vengono prodotte qui con un'elevata varianza e la massima efficienza.

Packaging Diversity
Whether it’s a can of beer in a limited retro look or a brightly colored energy drink – cans are an extremely versatile packaging product. Ardagh is a heavyweight of the global metal packaging industry and operates 23 sites in Europe, North and South America. To meet the requirements of customers and their desire for customized packaging, the company is enhancing its production processes and technologies at the existing factories. The initial situation at the various locations differs widely. The varying degrees of maturity of the factories call for a systematic but individualized solution.
of packaging plant costs can be reduced through smart operations.
One Vision, Tailored Solutions
Modern, connected and highly flexible are the watchwords of the plant of the future. The Ardagh management team finds inspiration in Porsche's smart factory in Zuffenhausen. However, a concept’s worth is proven through its implementation. So it’s only natural that Ardagh’s smart factory must be adapted to each specific location – and shaped step by step, just like a can. In addition to the different stages of development of the individual factories, it is also necessary to consider the different cultures within the regions. The solution: to identify potential, quantify benefits and prioritize use cases. The implementation is then tailored to the regional characteristics of the sites.

Packaging with a Future
“The digitalisation expertise of Porsche Consulting helped us to develop a clear vision and a roadmap for the success of our ‘global plant of the future’,” reports Andreas Engels, Global Director Plant of the Future at Ardagh Metal Packaging. From the vision to the specific use case: whether it’s the traceability of spare parts or data evaluation in the production process – the results are as varied as the cans produced. The close coordination with top management ensures the successful implementation of the transformation at each individual location and optimally positions Ardagh for future challenges.
Consulting that works
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