First Aid from Companies

In this time of crisis, many companies are switching to manufacturing essential products.

15.06.2020 | Porsche Consulting – The Magazine

Absolute silence has reigned since March 2020 on Anfield Road, where a sea of red-and-white flags would normally be waving and more than 54,000 people cheering for Liverpool FC. In March it was not clear when one of the most successful clubs in England’s Premier League would again play soccer in front of spectators. Soon after announcing the cessation of play, the club’s chief executive officer, Peter Moore, offered to have its stewards assist local supermarkets in tasks such as regulating the number of customers or helping seniors with their shopping.

Companies take responsibility
Many industrial companies have responded to the coronavirus crisis in similarly direct and pragmatic ways. Some have shifted parts of their production to essential goods; some have expanded their development capacities and are now bringing entirely new products onto the market. Others are helping in order to keep their own underutilized employees at work during the crisis. Some are linking this assistance to their brand name with an eye toward sustainably enhancing their image. Although the underlying motivation to provide relief during the pandemic may well be a matter of solidarity and social responsibility, the associated costs for many companies are high.

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