Video: Site insights — the Munich office

Shaping the future around the Olympic Stadium.

04.04.2019 | Articolo

Focusing on people, guiding change, creating space for innovation—the Porsche Consulting management consultancy does all of this and more. Success needs the right atmosphere. It can be found at Porsche Consulting’s nine modern offices around the world. Like in Munich—with a view of the Olympic Park and good travel connections. And plenty of inspiration, because many companies in the Bavarian capital are working intensively on future-oriented projects. The city’s renowned universities and outstanding research facilities are magnets for the younger generation—such as eager students, many of whom will be tomorrow’s business leaders and successful entrepreneurs. The experts at Porsche Consulting’s Munich office are superbly connected, promote the exchange of ideas, and appreciate the added value of partnerships. Our video series gives you insights into the office at the Olympic Park.


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