Perfection Below Deck

The cruise line Royal Caribbean plies the world’s oceans with huge ships. The processes in the background are modeled on automobile production.

Kreuzfahrt-Reederei Royal Caribbean


The project at a glance


Cruise ships are more than floating hotels. Thousands of guests check in and out at the same time. And food, laundry and other materials are loaded on turnaround day.


Processes on board are modeled on automotive production. On cycle, in the flow and synchronized. Preventive maintenance secures vital areas such as the laundry unit.


Reduced complexity, increased quality, and a new way of thinking installed. People from over 50 countries work under strict processes. And it makes them up to 83 percent faster. 


Highest Standards – on the High Seas

The dimensions of a cruise are enormous. And it’s not just the nautical miles covered. Ships hundreds of meters in length, tons of material and supplies and thousands of passengers, all expecting an ideal holiday experience on board – without waiting too long before the cabin is ready or the luggage has been loaded. With outstanding cuisine and perfect service quality. The stress test is turnaround day at the port: Within a few hours the passengers change, all cabins are cleaned and supplies for the days at sea are taken on board. 


time savings from the unloading of refrigerated food to its storage in the cold room below deck


Consultants Test Their Sea Legs

The consultants from Porsche Consulting proved equal to the maritime challenge. First, they studied the procedures on board the largest cruise ships in the world. And identified between 20 and 30 percent optimization potential in the service areas. The crew was trained during the cruise – without affecting the passengers. Following the example of the automotive industry, the ship kitchen was equipped with an assembly line, the cleaning equipment was subjected to preventive maintenance, and the unloading and loading processes were synchronized. 

"The best thing is that we were able to become more efficient while at the same time increasing the quality of our products and the satisfaction of our employees."
Harri Kulovaara
Executive Vice President –, Maritime & Newbuilding
Royal Caribbean Group
Kreuzfahrt-Reederei Royal Caribbean


As You Can See, There is Nothing to See Here

The passengers didn’t notice a thing – and that was the goal. The crew’s highest achievements on the high seas take place below deck, in the galley kitchens, in the laundry or in the corridors only used by the staff. There they are more efficient than ever before and as a result, fresh goods are loaded quickly, luggage is quickly brought to the right cabin and laundry gets done on time. “Ultimately, our ship’s guests benefit from the streamlined operations – and that’s the key benefit,” says Executive Vice President Harri Kulovaara.


Consulting that works

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