From the Giant Cleanroom to Space

Thales Alenia Space manufactures satellites and components for use in space at its base on the Côte d’Azur. Its products must withstand extreme conditions.

Thales Alenia Space


The project at a glance


To ensure that satellites and other components withstand the flight into space and reliably perform their missions, precision is crucial.


The highly qualified specialists at Thales Alenia Space are aided in getting the most out of their expertise by a company-wide quality campaign.


The Q6 method reinforces positive standards likeprecision and discipline. A rhythm creates a repeatable, solid structure for efficient work.


Products for Extreme Conditions

Telecommunications, navigation, environmental management and research – these days, it’s scarcely possible to imagine them working without data from space. Thales Alenia Space supplies satellites and other equipment for these endeavors. “Landing on Mars with equipment that can look for life, or delivering pressurized modules to the International Space Station orbiting the Earth – these are not tasks that just any company can perform,” says Mark Manley, who is responsible for quality at the Franco-Italian company. Customer expectations in terms of the speed and performance of cutting-edge technology are rising. 


Thales Alenia Space operates a 13,000 square meter cleanroom on the Côte d’Azur


Q6 Ensures Discipline, Precision and Rhythm

Porsche Consulting was commissioned to initiate a company-wide transformation process. The central method is called Q6 and ensures discipline, precision and structured work through a rhythm. The consultants supported the implementation at the French location in Cannes. Here, sensitive systems and components are installed in one of the largest cleanrooms in Europe. “A great deal of the work is extremely complex. That’s one of the reasons we have such a highly skilled workforce,” says Mark Manley. With the assistance of Porsche Consulting, the expertise of the specialists is now put to even better use in an efficient, quality-focused mode of working. 

"We are seeing a high degree of engagement. The employees have really embraced the campaign and taken ownership of it."
Mark Manley
Vice President Quality, Lean & Configuration Management
Thales Alenia Space


Customers Notice The Difference

A key part of the campaign was getting everyone on board. Before the launch, Manley and his team visited each site to talk to everyone involved. The results are a manifestation of the broad acceptance: Key measures are implemented faster, meetings are shorter and more efficient, planning is better adhered to, there are fewer production interruptions, and problems are resolved more efficiently. “Our customers will notice the difference,” says Manley. Of the Porsche consultants, he says this: “They stand out not only for their in-depth knowledge, but also the way in which they approach the workforce. This helped speed up implementation of the campaign.”


Consulting that works

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