Notícias & Tendências

As tendências de amanhã: uma visão geral das notícias, tópicos atuais e informações básicas.


Digital Leap: When If Not Now?

The coronavirus has accelerated digital transformation in many sectors. It has revealed deficits, but also released new energy. We look at five industries and their digital futures.

Food for Thought

The coronavirus has also jolted the food industry. Four managers explain how this led them to focus on essentials—and how they even discovered some new opportunities.

Pivot in the Skies

Few industries have been hit as hard by the coronavirus as aviation. Now is the time to develop ideas that will facilitate a rapid return when the crisis is over.

“You want friends around the world, not enemies”

Supply Chain Expert Edwin Keh from Hong Kong advises companies to make security a priority in their strategic considerations.

Porsche Consulting

The Magazine

Nossa revista digital para clientes oferece histórias exclusivas do mundo dos negócios. Com relatos de empresas de sucesso, entrevistas com os principais gestores e informações de vários setores.

First Aid from Companies

In this time of crisis, many companies are switching to manufacturing essential products.

Shifting Perspectives

The role of service design in business transformation

Hospital Rises to the Challenge

Battling the coronavirus is part of everyday operations at Munich’s Rechts der Isar Hospital.

Brand Evolution or Revolution?

Five steps to remain a relevant brand in the hurricane of disruption and transformation

Innovation Tackles the Virus

Digital innovations not only simplify the lives of doctors and patients but can protect them too. With that aim, GE Healthcare—a manufacturer of medical systems—wants to do away with waiting rooms.

Hydrogen—Fuel of the Future?

Expectations are high and the technologies are proven—is the hydrogen economy about to take off?



Serviços Financeiros
Bens Industriais
Bens de Consumo
Life Sciences


Marca & Vendas
Desenvolvimento & Tecnologia
Estratégia & Organização


Porsche Consulting – The Magazine