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Porsche Consulting

The Magazine

Nossa revista digital para clientes oferece histórias exclusivas do mundo dos negócios. Com relatos de empresas de sucesso, entrevistas com os principais gestores e informações de vários setores.

The Principle—no Job half-done

A construction company successful throughout Europe unites the values it lives by and its tradition with innovation.

Ten Hurdles Slowing the Transformation

Artificial intelligence: How managers can clear the path faster for innovations.

The Race to Space

How to achieve profitable growth in an accelerating space economy

“Now the Car Speaks Directly to the Insurance Company”

Horst Nussbaumer, COO at Zurich Group Germany, ensures faster assistance in the event of accident damage.

“Strong Finances Are Paramount”

Interview with Dr. Arno Antlitz, Finance and Operations, Volkswagen AG Board of Management.

Human Rights at Porsche Consulting & in our supply chain

At Porsche Consulting, people are at the heart of everything we stand for.

Porsche Consulting Digital Mobility Lounge 3.0

Mobility and transportation stakeholders discuss risks and opportunities of autonomous driving.

What will the future of the health and sports industry look like?

First “Health and Sports Ecosystem Lounge” connected leaders from the Life Science and Consumer Goods industries.

O centro de logística autônoma do futuro

Dando o primeiro passo para uma cadeia logística totalmente autônoma

A World of Cars in One Subscription

The automotive industry is reinventing itself.



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Porsche Consulting – The Magazine