Helping children and young people in challenging situations

Porsche Consulting makes a Christmas donation to the Timeout youth welfare organization.

16.12.2020 | Artigo

Porsche Consulting is lending its support to the "Timeout Jugendhilfe" youth welfare organization with a Christmas donation of 25,000 euros. The management consultancy hopes that this will help give children and young people who are going through periods of crisis better prospects for the future. "Many children and youths do not enjoy an ideal start to life due to individual circumstances or difficult experiences," says Eberhard Weiblen, Chairman of the Executive Board of Porsche Consulting. "The Timeout youth welfare organization gives hope, stability, and direction to young people in challenging situations, and empowers them to take their lives into their own hands. We would like to support this invaluable work with our donation."

The Timeout youth assistance program, which is based in the Black Forest town of St. Märgen, focuses on working with children, teenagers, and young adults who, for a variety of reasons, are reluctant to attend school and are at risk of being socially marginalized. The organization seeks to create a culture in which youths are able to live and work together. By providing opportunities to work in agriculture, forestry, and households, it helps them discover their individual talents and potential, gradually become reintegrated into structured learning and living environments, and develop promising perspectives for the future.


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