B2B Platform Play

Revolutionizing the rules of B2B industries with platform business models
Marc Ziegler | Andreas Steer | Leon van Dijk | Jan Schreiber
Abr 2022 | White Paper | Inglês

B2B Platform Play

Revolutionizing the rules of B2B industries with platform business models

Over the past 10-15 years, platforms such as Amazon, Uber, and Netflix have become ubiquitous in nearly every domain in the B2C sector. Although still in their infancy, platforms will also revolutionize the rules of B2B industries. In order to remain competitive, traditional industrial companies need to find a suitable answer how to deal with platform play. 

This White Paper sheds light on different platform play types and provides insights on how to capture platform values. Furthermore, the paper outlines how industrial goods players can operationalize their platform endeavors by relying on success factors from B2B platforms that have already gained traction.



of asset sharing platforms only are currently driven by incumbents. 


of B2B marketplaces are currently driven by start-ups. 

5 steps

are crucial to craft a resilient B2B platform strategy.

Management Summary
  • B2B platforms are on the rise across all industries. Successful industrial good players must take proactive steps to shape the future of their industry
  • A five-step approach is needed to successfully craft a B2B platform strategy
  • As it is a truly transformational topic, incumbents need to willingly accept potential disruptions
  • A solid strategic anchoring and dedicated operating model builds the foundation for sustainable transformation success

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Tendências & Soluções

Transformando empresas de bens industriais

A liderança é o elemento crucial

Transformação global do setor de saúde

Aprendendo com os CEOs mais bem-sucedidos da indústria farmacêutica e de tecnologia médica

Mais rápido, mais barato, superior

Mudança na construção por meio de foco no cliente, IA e automação


