Aces in Our Hands

Oliver Blume and Eberhard Weiblen: an interview

28.06.2024 | Porsche Consulting – The Magazine

What do cars and team sports have in common? And how do you discover an opportunity in every crisis? Oliver Blume, Chairman of the Boards of Management of Volkswagen Group and Porsche AG, and Eberhard Weiblen, CEO of Porsche Consulting, discussed with Porsche Consulting Magazine about optimism, opportunities, and a good work-life balance.

Oliver Blume has a clear answer to the question of whether a good manager is more of an optimist or a pessimist: “Very clearly an optimist. As a manager, I’m always thinking about opportunities. Making cars is a team sport. And success consists of teamwork. At the same time, it’s also important to assess business conditions continuously, objectively, and realistically, in order to draw the right conclusions.” Eberhard Weiblen also shares the view that managers have an obligation to be optimistic, especially in challenging times: “Like good mountain guides, we’re responsible for making sure the team reaches the summit. And that’s only possible if you yourself are sure you’re on the right path and your goals are attainable.” At the same time, these times require the courage to tackle things head-on and build up speed at the right moment — and a leadership team that closely works together to solve the increasingly complex challenges.

Oliver Blume is also optimistic about the German automotive industry. As far as global competition goes, Germany has many aces in its hands. These include qualified and motivated people at the companies, the dual vocational study and training system, renowned universities, and world-famous research institutes.

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