Managing Software Quality Holistically rather than Fixing the Bugs

The framework for quality managers to enable their organization to deliver high-quality software
Oliver Stahl | Michael Bartholdt | Sebastian Roth | Dr. Dominik Rößle
Sep 2019 | White Paper | English

Managing Software Quality Holistically rather than Fixing the Bugs

The framework for quality managers to enable their organization to deliver high-quality soft ware

The complexity of product systems is increasing. The reason for this increase lies largely in the proportion of software. It is necessary to manage software quality holistically instead of rectifying errors afterwards. The framework for this is the quality management system for software, which enables a company to consistently deliver high-quality results in software development. This is because quality management to support software development and the integration of software and hardware represents a significant improvement lever for today's product systems.


of all software projects do not meet the general project conditions.


off all software projects exceed budgets and deadlines or do not fulfill requisite functionality.


of all software projects are cancelled.

Management Summary
  • The return on investment in quality management for software is not always quantifiable, but this is also true for other quality measures. While costs linked to certain quality improvement measures can be quantified, their benefits often cannot. For example, averted damage can hardly be monetized and the costs of nonconformity to regulations only anticipated
  • The business case of a quality management system for software is built on the observation that about 70 percent of software development does not add value. Only 30 percent of activities add value through coding or creative work that focuses on realizing the desired functionality
  • Identifying the root cause of software errors becomes more difficult as networking increases among systems and their software. The combination of software and hardware amplifies this difficulty and emphasizes the necessity and potential of a systematic approach to software quality. The quality management system for software as introduced is able to address the specific needs and challenges in software quality management that an organization faces

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