We equip procurement for the future with new strategies and enhance purchasing performance with a focus on efficiency and effectiveness.

Procurement as a Value Generator
In this time of supply chain crises, procurement is the focus of more attention than perhaps ever before. As a hidden champion, it has tended to exist in the shadows in recent years, with only roughly one in five companies dedicating a board portfolio to purchasing. Yet its value is underestimated: every single euro that a company saves in purchasing goes directly into its profits. So leading companies are now strengthening the role of their procurement departments.
With our comprehensive consulting, we give you the tools to achieve cost and supply advantages even in times of rising customer requirements and increasing product and supply chain complexity.
Our experts in procurement bring years of experience in purchasing, supplier management and strategy consulting to the table, and deliver concrete answers to strategic and operational questions.
Start the Future of Procurement with Us
Which levers increase the maturity of procurement?
As the maturity of a procurement organization grows, so does its contribution to the company results. In a one- to two-week pit stop, we analyze the maturity of your procurement organization. We investigate five dimensions, with sustainability as an integral component:
1. Strategy & culture
2. Organization
3. Processes
4. Digitization
5. Suppliers
The pit stop uses various sources (data and document analysis, online questionnaires, interviews, workshops) to generate a GAP analysis and corresponding top measures to improve the performance level of procurement, including a potential estimate, KPIs and implementation roadmap.
In the future, will a bot negotiate with a bot?
Digitization is changing the game for procurement in several different ways. For starters, the procurement goods themselves become digital or are supplemented by software. Companies find themselves confronted with new suppliers, which in some cases have the better negotiating position. And then there are digital tools that are changing the speed and efficiency of processes. With a digital agenda for procurement, we develop a roadmap for integrating digital solutions and offer guidance for the procurement of digital goods. With our data analytics team, we also extract the important insights from existing data in the supply chain to identify further optimization potential.
How can procurement become a value generator?
Industry upheavals, the rising speed of innovation and growing complexity all require a great willingness to change in procurement as well. We provide support with comprehensive transformation programs and reimagine the role of procurement. In the dimensions of structure, processes, team, governance and digitization, we position procurement as a strategic value generator.
Where is the weakest link in your supply chain?
Companies’ supply chains are increasingly vulnerable to disruption due to the division of labor and globalization. At the same time, the number of positive and negative supply chain shocks continues to rise. This makes reliable deliverability of a product in crises a real competitive advantage.
We have developed a framework for resilience in the supply chain with which companies can retain their ability to deliver when the competition can’t. We apply a comprehensive resilience operating model comprised of processes, measures, roles and instruments. The operating model can be precisely tailored to different industries and companies.
Are all goods categories structured and properly positioned?
Fixed category structures make it possible to achieve steady savings growth. We provide support both for goods category structuring and development of individual strategies. Prioritization takes place in coordination with the customer according to the criteria of expenditures, savings potential, risk potential, and relevance for the future success of the company. Together with the client, our teams lead the way through the process of category management, from analysis to tenders and negotiations. We provide templates and analytics to score some early wins and create acceptance for the process.
How many interfaces are needed in the procurement process?
Rising requirements in terms of the transparency and speed of procurement processes are a matter of course in any number of different industries. This can be countered with efficiency gains and cost optimization in the source-to-pay process. But process re-design and automation potential are the main levers for success. The potential for outsourcing procurement must also be considered. Selecting the right outsourcing partners and defining the right division of tasks are key factors here to lower organization costs and improve purchasing performance.
Trends and Solutions
Consulting that works
Reach out to us. We are here to provide support in procurement.