Video: How the Smart Factory Will Become the Strong Backbone of Our Business Model
The Successful Combination of Human and Artificial Intelligence.

05.09.2019 | Article
What does it mean really – the “Smart Factory”? It’s about the future collaboration of man and machine. The two, working together, will produce far better results than each of them alone. First, the blending of that intelligence which is uniquely human and the seemingly unlimited horizons of artificial intelligence will create a new level of quality. When the new possibilities of the technology are coupled with the high qualifications of the human beings at their workplaces, the results will be astounding. Beyond the technology, clear principles are needed for this combination of human and artificial intelligence – principles that will provide the structure for their cooperation and will lead to a self-learning system. And thus, the factory of tomorrow will become the strong backbone of our business model – regardless of the industry. This is true for every company. One hundred forty top managers from Europe, China and Brazil have come to this conclusion. They accepted the invitation from the management consultancy, Porsche Consulting, to the Smart Factory Day Workshops 2019 at the Porsche Plant in Leipzig.